
From daily practices to policies subject to impact millions of lives, the climate emergency summons us to make difficult decisions, however which enable to lead the world towards its regeneration.

Instituto Escolhas develops and shares studies and analyses on fundamental sustainable development themes, bringing innovative approaches to the main socio-environmental challenges by building solutions based on data and evidence in conformity with the rigor of the scientific method.

We believe that the best decisions are made when the society knows which are the key- problems of each sector, understands the stages required to resolve them and realizes the cost to transform ideas into practice.

Our Mission

A Brazil with climate emergency and sustainable development as premises of all its policies of public interest.

Our Vision

To positively qualify the public debate through numerical translations of the country’s main challenges and to propose solutions capable of achieving sustainable development and mitigation of inequalities.

Our Values

Boldness to measure and compare the degree of sustainability of public and private policies by creating innovative and integrated scenarios by cross-checking of information.

Consistency to develop the ability to process multiple data with methodological rigor, producing solid arguments, systematic statistics, and comparative charts enabling to support analyses and conscious choices.

Independence to work in an autonomous research network, open to different perspectives and multiple points of view, overcoming prejudices and comprehensively elucidating facts and figures regardless of ideologies.

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