
Chair News

By Instituto Escolhas

05 April 2020

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Launching of the Policy Briefs series of scholarship students of Cátedra Escolhas de Economia e Meio Ambiente discusses the effect of climate changes in the agricultural production

First work, signed by por Bruno Santos Souza, shows economic impacts by analyzing cultures that represent 82% of the Country agriculture.

The total economic loses on the Brazilian economy my represent more than 3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), with the climate changes foreseen for the Brazilian regions. That is one of the results of the first Policy Brief of the series dedicated to the scholarships of Cátedra Escolhas de Economia e Meio Ambiente. With the title “Climate Changes in Brazil: systemic effects under the uncertainty scenarios”, the author Bruno Santos de Souza points as the climate changes affect the Brazilian agricultural productivity and how they can impact the economy. The document was elaborated from the thesis defended by Bruno, on the Program of Post-Graduation in Economy of the Department of Economy, Management and Accounting of the University of São Paulo, in 2018.

The study analyses the effects on the productivity of soy, sugar cane, corn, bean, coffee and orange, between 2020 e 2100 – cultures that represent about 82% of the country’s agricultural production – and presents optimistic and pessimistic scenarios about the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG).  In the recommendations, strategies of public policies can be implemented in a short term, capable to minimize the carbon emission; the variability of the agricultures, the governmental engagement deliberated in jointly actions between agriculture and environment, among others.

“I hope that Policy Brief gets to transmit the main ideas about my motivation, and the results I reached”, Bruno says. He still emphasizes the importance of the scholarships program of the Escolhas to develop the work that was already presented in three international and two national congresses. “Cátedra was too important to generate the necessary inspiration to develop the research subject related to the climate changes and the Brazilian economy.”

Throughout the year Escolhas will launch five more Policy Briefs performed by scholarship holders of the Cátedra Escolhas de Economia e Meio Ambiente.

Series Scholarship students:

Climate Changes in Brazil: systemic effects under uncertainty scenarios

About the Cátedra

Cátedra Escolhas de Economia e Meio Ambiente is sponsored by Itaú. The initiative contemplates the Program of Scholarships Cátedra Escolhas, that offers master’s degree and Doctor’s Degree Scholarships for post-graduation students interested in studying Economy in its interface with Environment. Know the scholarship holders and the works developed by them in the Escolhas Institute’s social nets.

Since 2016, Cátedra has benefited 23 scholarships students from several states of Brazil, and ten have already defended their thesis.

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