

By Instituto Escolhas

09 March 2020

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Launch of the study and debate about Food Diplomacy will be online

In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Escolhas organizes the debate on the Internet

By Salete Cangussu

In order to contribute to the collective efforts to minimize the impacts of Covid-19 and as a prevention to the dissemination of the coronavirus, the Instituto Escolhas will not hold in person the Seminar “Food Diplomacy: What is Brazil’s appetite in the world scenario?”. The event will be online and broadcasted on April 2nd, 2020, starting at 9am. The decision was taken as a way to preserve the safety of the public, speakers and other professionals involved in the organization of the event.

Inscriptions are maintained at the following link Registration – Seminar. All registrants will soon receive a link to access the broadcast, which will allow questions to be asked to the debaters. See new schedule below.
The Escolhas Institute will continue monitoring all the measures adopted by the authorities in all spheres of Government and assess the situation to adopt new adjustments, if necessary.

Launch of study and seminar

Brazil’s challenges in the new international agricultural agenda, scenarios and trends in international regulations in national policies are some of the topics that will be discussed at the Seminar, soon after the launch of the study “The international regulation of food production and trade: Brazil’s participation and positioning”. The event is organized by Instituto Escolhas in partnership with Nexo Jornal.

The study, conceived by Escolhas and carried out by the Center for Integration and Development Studies (Cindes), shows Brazil’s performance with international organizations responsible for regulating food production and trade. The objective was to map and identify the main organizations and their competencies, analyze the most relevant guidelines for Brazil, the actors involved, their positions and the possibilities of action of civil society in monitoring these issues.

The study will be presented by researchers Leane Cornet Naidin, Pedro da Motta Veiga and Sandra Polónia Rios (Cindes) and debated by experts in the field such as Ambassador Rubens Barbosa, president of the Institute of International Relations and Foreign Trade (Irice), Marcos Jank, professor and researcher of Global Agribusiness at INSPER; Jaqueline Ferreira, Project Manager of Instituto Escolhas, with mediation by Paula Miraglia, anthropologist and general director of Nexo.

Date: 02/04/2020
Time: 09h – 11h
Online broadcasting – link will be available soon

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